About Us
The Backpack Buddies Program was established in 2009 and currently serves over 130 in-need students in eleven schools in Douglas County and one school in Alpine County. A backpack containing non-perishable food for seven meals over the weekend is distributed to participating students each Friday. Parents are required to complete a permission slip each year. Many of the students who participate in Backpack Buddies qualify for free/reduced breakfast and lunch programs while at school. However, on weekends little food is available to them. Because the schools in Douglas County are committed to the students in their schools they continue to make this program available to their students in need.
Previously affiliated with the Minden Rotary Club Foundation, the Backpack Buddies Program received its own non-profit charitable status (501(c)3) in 2016.

Our Board of
Bryan Oland- President
Audrey Wilson- Treasurer
Debbie Dove- Secretary
Marlo Flanders
Teri Jamin
New Location
We are located at 1255 Waterloo Lane, Suite B in Gardnerville,
next door to the Carson Valley Community Food Closet.
Please join us at 9:00 AM for our monthly packing on the
second Monday of every other month.
Check out our Facebook page at "Douglas County Backpack Buddies Program".

Thank You
We would like to sincerely extend our thanks to all who make Backpack Buddies possible in Douglas County.
A big thank you to our core group of volunteers; Stephanie Wiewandt, Chuck Pope, Bob and Cy Haynes, Jim Pursel, Tim Bryant, Bill McKenzie, Birdie Hanson, Nancy Larsen, Jerri Biddle, Jerry VanSickle and Candy Best. Without your commitment and support the Backpack Buddies Program would not be able to serve the in-need students in our community.